Our amazing team of board members and staff are committed to helping others. We have over 10 years of experience with youth and family programming, nonprofit management and hard-to-reach communities.
Next Move Community Services is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization established in 2018. Our organization was founded in order to become a beacon of resources for families in our community. Since our inception, we have partnered with human service agencies and other community based organizations to provide COVID-19 response services and access to essential programs and resources.
Next Move is dedicated to providing services that support healthcare equity, workforce development, and education to traditionally under-served minorities with a focus on Hispanic, Latinx, and BIPOC communities within Chicago's south suburbs.
Next Move's vision is to become a beacon of resources that supports the health, success and happiness of all members in our community. To address community needs our team has developed the Next Move Community Care Approach. The goal of this approach is to create and maintain a sense of community through community-based organizations, human service agencies, schools, small businesses, individuals and families living in Chicago and the south suburbs. Research and data is beginning to corroborate what community and connection have long revealed: that isolation does not lead to human thriving. That being a functional, successful individual is achieved by being engaged on a human level. At Next Move, all programs are developed with this approach to prioritize listening, responsiveness and investment in the well-being of our community members.